Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Literary Analysis 2

2.) The Great Gatsby
  • Summary: Nick Carraway just moved to West Egg in New York in 1922. His neighbor, Jay Gatsby, is very wealthy and has parties every weekend. Nick goes to one of his parties and this girl Jordan, tells him about Gatsby. He finds out Gatsby is in love with a girl named Daisy. Daisy happens to be Nick's cousin and is married to a guy named Tom. Even though she is married, Gatsby and Daisy start an affair. Her husband Tom confronts Gatsby and things get crazy. Daisy takes Gatsby's car and drives off and ends up killing a woman named Myrtle. Myrtles husband kills Gatsby thinking that Gatsby was driving the car but he wasn't. Nick ends up throwing a funeral for Gatsby but very few people show up. Nick moves back to the Midwest after all this chaos happened.
  • Theme: The theme of The Great Gatsby is rich corruption. With money and popularity at the hands of Gatsby, he still needs Daisy which leads to the affair which leads to all the chaos that leads to his death. 
  • Tone: The tone of this story is very cynical. With the affair between Gatsby and Daisy corrupts everything. Then the killing of Myrtle gives her husband motive to kill Gatsby even though he wasn't driving.
  • Literary Elements:
    • Imagery: The author is very descriptive with the details of the scene and setting. The color green is throughout the novel also.
    • Simile: The other compares a lot of things to others. Such as "In his blue garden men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars." Similes often has the word like or as.
  • Characterization: The characters maturity affects the authors diction in this novel. Also Gatsby is a dynamic character because the way we view him changes whenever we are given new information about him. He is also round because we can visualize how he truly is and we understand well.


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