Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lit. Analysis #3

LeBron James:
As I watch the NBA play offs, I see this man named LeBron James just dominate everything he does. I start wondering how he got to this point of being the best player in the world. When I start reading the book and see what he has came from, my whole perspective of LeBron James is completely changed.

1. The book LeBron James is about the childhood and struggles of LeBron James. James played high school basketball at St. Vincent- St. Mary Highschool in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. He was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar while winning multiple national player of the year awards during his junior and senior year. After graduating, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA draft by the Cavaliers. His mother's name is Gloria Marie James. Growing up, life was often a struggle for LeBron and Gloria, who moved from apartment to apartment in the seedier neighborhoods of Akron while Gloria struggled to find steady work. Gloria allowed LeBron to move in with the family of Frank Walker, a local youth football coach, who introduced LeBron to basketball when LeBron was nine-years-old and thats where it all began!

2. I believe the theme of this book is hard work and perseverance. When LeBron was growing up as a child it ws very tough. He stuck with it and trusted in the Lord that everything was going to work out for the best. If he would have quit or said it was too hard, we would have never seen the best player in the world.

3. The Tone of this book is very matter of fact and straight-forward. The author of this book did a great job of describing how difficult the times really were for LeBron and his mother.

1. In this book, LeBron is a dynamic character. In the start of the book he got in a lot of trouble and didn't take sports to seriously. By the end of the book, we see LeBron mature from a kid to an adult just by the work effort and his actions.

2. I feel like I do know LeBron way more now than I did before. I know his struggles and what he stands for now. Any man who can go through tough times such as LeBron did and then reach his goal is a strong man. I find it cool how now he has all the money in the world not only for himself, but for everyone that stood by him and helped him be the man that he is now.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lit Analysis #2: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest


1. Mr. McMurphy is admitted into an insane asylum where he rebels against the nurses and security. His influence affects the rest of the patients to act out in the way that he does. He leads the rest of the patients to rebel against Mrs. Ratchet causing them to be monitored and put under higher security. He leads an attempt to escape from the asylum in which he is the only one to try because the rest of the patients are too fearful. He gets caught and is forced to have an apesiotame. A patient by the name of chief then leads the lifeless Mr. McMurphy out of the asylum and escape together.
2. In this story it shows that If you have people around you that believe and trust in you, you can attain your goals that you set. You can accomplish a lot more when you have support.
3. The authors tone is desperateness. Mr. McMurphy meets chief and seems desperate to get chief to say something. Through rebelling against Mrs. Ratchet, he shows desperateness to have a form of power, and by trying to escape he shows desperateness for freedom.

4. The author sets a mood of loneliness which helped me understand the authors use of desperateness because of how lonely the patients were even in each others company. By setting his tone the author was ale to have the mood and tone connect to bring a connection between the reader and the characters.
1. The author uses indirect characterization to describe the relationship between chief and Mr. McMurphy. He also uses indirect characterization to describe McMurphys power over the rest of the patients. The author uses direct characterization to describe chiefs personality by showing his way of silence. He also uses direct characterization to describe each patient and there disabilities.
2. The authors syntax doesn't change when talking about a character, but the diction changes to a characterization use if words.
3. The protagonist is static and flat. McMurphy doesn't change his attempt to escape or  change his way of rebellion.
4. After reading this book I felt like I had actually met someone because the way the author wrote the characters interaction and drive for freedom. I could actually understand their wants and their drives for power and freedom.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. E
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. E
  18. B
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. A
  24. C
  25. C
  26. A
  27. E
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. A
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. C
  38. E
  39. D
  40. D
  41. B
  42. E
  43. C
  44. C
  45. A
  46. C
  47. D
  48. D
  49. B
  50. D
  51. C
  52. A
  53. C
  54. D
  55. E

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lit Analysis #1

Fahrenheit 451:

1. Fahrenheit 451 is a book about a man named Guy Montag. The setting is in a future American society. Guy is a firefighter who's job is, to start fires rather than put them out. He is supposed to set fire to any house that may have books in it. He married a woman he soon realizes that he has no love for and she feels the same. She even tries to kill herself. Then one day a girl named Clarisse starts to talk to him and makes him question his life and how he is living. He is called to start a fire, but while at the house he reads from one of the books and he decides to take it with him. He remembers a man that he had met in the park named Faber and meets with him to discuss the book. He becomes enthralled with books, but he is betrayed by Mildred and a mechanical hound is set on him, but he gets away and lives with a group that shares his love of books.
2. I feel that the theme of Fahrenheit 451 is that the more you know the more power you have. It shows that knowledge and and education through books is a vital tool to society. Books can bring immense pleasure and we as people can learn so much from them. It shows that people have a right as a person in society to learn and not to be happy with their ignorance.
3. The tone has a certain intensity to it. All the characters are extreme and are on the edge of being realistic. The events are usually blown out of proportion and apocalyptic. The author is very descriptive and uses vivid descriptions. Big events usually happen on the biggest scales.
4. Imagery- Somewhat going along with analysis, Bradbury was always very descriptive and used very vivid words to describe.
Contrast- The author contrasts the personalities of Guy and Mildred throughout the story.
Foreshadowing- Mildred's attitude is when Guy shows her the book is a foreshadowing of things to come
Motif- The idea that knowledge is important comes up throughout the book.

Symbolism- There are many things that are used to symbolize insects
Irony- Mildred is looking for the book and keeps adjusting Guy's pillow and it's under there. 
Metaphor- Mildred's earpiece are compared to insects. 

1. "I'm antisocial, they say." Clarisse says this and shows her outgoing, unorthodox, but cheerful side.

 2. It only changes when a character is interacting with different characters or is in another setting. The characters act differently around different characters which causes the syntax and diction to change.

3. Guy is a dynamic character. He starts off the book burning houses and being totally submissive and ok with world he is living in. His encounter with Clarisse changes all that and questions who he is and who he wants to be. He eventually ends up changing who he is and challenging himself to be a better person.
He is probably a round character. Guy has many different qualities that distinguish himself.

4. At the end of the book I did feel like I knew Guy. Guy was the only character like I felt could be a real person. All the other characters were missing something that could make them truly believable. Him being a dynamic and round character helped give the impression that I had indeed met an actual person.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Am Here

I Am Here:

This first grading period I have been doing alright with everything. At first it was kinda hard with basketball everyday and coming home so tired. I look at my blog now and see that I am barely missing anything which is 1000x better than last semester. My smart goal is starting to fall into place with college right around the corner. My first semester I ended it with a 4.0 GPA which I am striving for again this semester. My groups senior project is just kicking into gear also. We have just contacted previous years students to ask for advice and to guide us. We are using Mariah Cooks, Chad Foster, and Max Kuhlman's project last year as a building block on what we want to accomplish. I am looking forward to continuing to grow as a student in this class. Bring on the AP Exam!!!!!

Lit. Terms 82-103

Lit Terms:82-103
  • Omniscient Point of View- knowing all things, usually the third person
  • Onomatopoeia- whose of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggests its meaning
  • Oxymoron- a figure of speech in which two contradicting words or phrases are combined to produce a rhetorical effect by means of a concise paradox
  • Pacing- rate of movement; tempo
  • Parable- a story designed to convey some religious principle, moral lesson, or general truth
  • Paradox- a statement apparently self-contradictory or absurd but really containing a possible truth; an opinion contrary to generally accepted ideas
  • Parallelism- the principle in sentence structure that states elements of equal function should have equal form
  • Parody- an imitation of mimicking of a composition or of the style of a well-known artist
  • Pathos- the ability in literature to call forth feelings of pity, compassion, and/or sadness
  • Pedantry- a display of learning for its own sake
  • Personification- a figure of speech attributing human qualities to inanimate objects or abstract ideas
  • Plot- a plan or scheme to accomplish a purpose
  • Poignant- eliciting sorrow or sentiment
  • Point of View- the attitude unifying any oral or written argument; in description, the physical point from which the observer views what he is describing
  • Postmodernism- literature characterized by experimentation, irony, nontraditional forms, multiple meanings, playfulness and a blurred boundary between real and imaginary
  • Prose- the ordinary form of spoken and written language; language that doesn't have a regular rhyme pattern
  • Protagonist- the central character in a work of fiction; opposes antagonist
  • Pun- play on words; the humorous use of a word emphasizing different meanings or applications
  • Purpose- the intended result wished by an author
  • Realism- writing about the ordinary aspects of life in a straightforward manner to reflect life as it actually is
  • Refrain- a phrase or verse recurring at intervals in a poem or song; chorus
  • Requiem- any chant, dirge, hymn or musical service for the dead
  • Resolution- point in a literary work at which the chief dramatic complication is worked out
  • Restatement- idea repeated for emphasis
  • Rhetoric-  use of language, both written and verbal in order to persuade
  • Rhetorical Question- question suggesting its own answer or not requiring an answer; used in argument or persuasion
  • Rising Action- plot build up, caused by conflict and complication, advancement towards climax

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lit. Terms 57-81

LIT TERMS: 57-81

  • Genre: a category or class of artistic endeavor having a particular form, technique, or content.
  • Gothic Tale: a style in literature characterized by gloomy settings, violent or grotesque action, and a mood of decay, degeneration, and decadence.
  • Hyperbole: an exaggerated statement often used as a figure of speech or to prove a point.
  • Imagery: figures of speech or vivid description, conveying images through any of the senses.
  • Implication: a meaning or understanding that is to be arrive at by the reader but that is not fully and explicitly stated by the author.
  • Incongruity: the deliberate joining of opposites or of elements that are not appropriate to each other. 
  • Inference: a judgement or conclusion based on evidence presented; the forming of an opinion which possesses some degree of probability according to facts already available.
  • Irony: a contrast or incongruity between what is said and what is meant, or what is expected to happen and what actually happens, or what is thought to be happening and what is actually happening.
  • Interior Monologue: a form of writing which represents the inner thoughts of a character; the recording of the internal, emotional experience(s) of an individual; generally the reader is given the impression of overhearing the interior monologue.
  • Inversion: words out of order for emphasis.
  • Juxtaposition: the intentional placement of a word, phrase, sentences of paragraph to contrast with another nearby.
  • Lyric: a poem having musical form and quality; a short outburst of the author’s innermost thoughts and feelings.
  • Magic(al) Realism:  a genre developed in Latin America which juxtaposes the everyday  with the marvelous or magical.
  • Metaphor(extended, controlling, and mixed): an analogy that compare two different
  • things imaginatively.
  • Extended: a metaphor that is extended or developed as far as the writer
  • wants to take it.
  • Controlling: a metaphor that runs throughout the piece of work.
  • Mixed: a metaphor that ineffectively blends two or more analogies.
  • Metonymy:  literally “name changing” a device of figurative language in which the name of an attribute or associated thing is substituted for the usual name of a thing.
  • Mode of Discourse:  argument (persuasion), narration, description, and exposition.
  • Modernism:  literary movement characterized by stylistic experimentation, rejection of tradition, interest in symbolism and psychology 
  • Monologue:  an extended speech by a character in a play, short story, novel, or narrative poem.
  • Mood:  the predominating atmosphere evoked by a literary piece.
  • Motif:  a recurring feature (name, image, or phrase) in a piece of literature.
  • Myth:  a story, often about immortals, and sometimes connected with religious rituals, that attempts to give meaning to the mysteries of the world.
  • Narrative:  a story or description of events.
  • Narrator:  one who narrates, or tells, a story.
  • Naturalism: extreme form of realism.
  • Novelette/Novella: short story; short prose narrative, often satirical.